Viviane Silvera Explores Memory
2011 Gotham “Therapy”
Viviane Silvera Puts Memory Into Motion
ART Habens Art Review, Biennial Edition
New York City Artist Uses 10,000 Painting Stills
2011 Gotham “Bill Clinton as Never Seen Before”
American Artist
London Art Dealer is the King of Manhattan with New Gallery
2001 The New York Times
Artist Talks
The Garden of Great Ideas
New Art for the Tullman Collection
Artists Making Their Marks
2005 Wall Street Journal
2004 New York Press
2004 Y’ideot Aharonot
On Art With Viviane Silvera
Our Parkinson’s Place
2005 Time Out New York
The Gambling Aisle
Artists to Look Out For
Edward Hopper
Modern Luxury Magazine
Studio Visit, Volume 29
365 Days Artists
Curate NYC